Nah, still doesn't seem to work if I use serial instead. It's not a big deal, I 
rarely send from that Gmail account. Since it screams in bright red when it 
can't sign, I'll just turn that off manually off when I happen to use that 

Thanks Benny!

Blayne Puklich             Minneapolis, MN       PGP Key ID: 0xC52CA6C1
* mailto:blayne at
         I'd explain it to you, but your brain would explode.

On 25 Jan 2025, at 9:32, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

> On 21 Jan 2025, at 4:32, Blayne Puklich wrote:
>> Just configured S/MIME today for this account I'm sending from, and I'm 
>> trying to figure out how to get MailMate to not automatically try to sign 
>> when I send using my Gmail account. Of course the cert I picked up today is 
>> for this account, not that one. Goofing around with the Security.plist and 
>> an empty userID doesn't seem to work.
>> {
>>     map = (
>>      {
>>              address = "";
>>              userID = "";
>>      },
>>     );
>> }
> If it's S/MIME then you should use `serial` instead of `userID` above. I 
> haven't really tested this feature for a long time, so I'm not saying that it 
> couldn't somehow be broken (I haven't changed it as far as I can recall).
>> Any ideas?
> In general, MailMate should learn your habits if “Based on history” is 
> enabled in the Security settings pane.
> -- 
> Benny
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