
+1 on the font delta offset setting variation report with different display 
fonts in the main Message window.

Hint: monospace font are easier to deal with. In the main window, I use MS 
Consolas as the display font. Other mono-spaced fonts, like Menlo work 
similarly well. Other fonts, not so much. Maybe this will be a clue for Benny.


Henry Seiden
- -
Techworks Pro Co.
E: info<at>techworkspro<dot>com

On 24 Jan 2025, at 4:39, Jolin Warren wrote:

> On 2 Jan 2025, at 14:31, Benjamin Coddington wrote:
>> On 2 Jan 2025, at 8:26, Benjamin Coddington wrote:
>>> After jumping up to Sequoia from Monterey, the text fields in the message 
>>> list are shifted down such that some text parts are clipped, the threading 
>>> delta seems shifted up slightly.  I've tried resetting fonts and the light 
>>> height delta is zero - here's what its looking like:
>> […]
>> My issues seem to be caused by my selection of font attributes - Helvetica 
>> Bold at 11.0 pt used to produce vertically-centered rows, but I've been able 
>> to switch to Helvetica Neue Bold 12.0 pt with line height delta of -4.  This 
>> produces the same density and experience as before.
> I had the same issue when I updated to MailMate test version r6056 (on 
> Sequoia) in August last year. I had some correspondence with Benny and it 
> turned out that the issue doesn’t arise when using the MailMate default font 
> (which is the system default ‘San Francisco’). With the default font you can 
> set the size to whatever you want and the text remains vertically centred in 
> message lists. Benny also made a note of the issue:
> On 5 Aug 2024, at 12:28, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:
>> It's probably a bug in my code. It's surprisingly difficult to handle any 
>> font, but it does appear there's a general issue at play here. I've made a 
>> note of it.
> Ben, it looks like you’ve found a solution but if you want another one you 
> can reset the font to the default and then choose any size. And a future 
> version of MailMate may fix the issue entirely.
> -- 
> => Jolin
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