+1 for GPG Suite by GPGTools, works like a charm with MailMate. Do use Homebrew 
to install it. With the cask `gpg-suite-no-mail`, you get the free version 
without the Apple Mail plugin (which I suppose you don’t need since you have 

On 21 Jan 2025, at 23:07, Eric Sharakan via mailmate wrote:

> Hi Oliver, FWIW I get my 'gpg' utility and related tools from 
> https://gpgtools.org, rather than Homebrew.  It all just works with MailMate, 
> no need for symlinks or other workarounds.
> This is what it reports about itself:
> ```
> esharaka% where gpg
> /usr/local/bin/gpg
> /usr/local/MacGPG2/bin/gpg
> esharaka% gpg --version
> gpg (GnuPG/MacGPG2) 2.2.41
> libgcrypt 1.8.10
> Copyright (C) 2022 g10 Code GmbH
> License GNU GPL-3.0-or-later <https://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
> This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
> There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
> Home: /Users/esharaka/.gnupg
> Supported algorithms:
> Hash: SHA1, RIPEMD160, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512, SHA224
> Compression: Uncompressed, ZIP, ZLIB, BZIP2
> ```
> -Eric
> On 21 Jan 2025, at 16:52, Ben Hyde wrote:
>> Oliver, thanks for looking at my problem.  More details follow.  That said I 
>> sense the answer to my question is “Nope there isn’t…”
>> I get emails from many vintage correspondents who sign all their emails.  
>> That triggers MailMate to complain it can’t find the /usr/local/bin/gpg.  
>> That opens pops top off a barrel of monkeys and a flash back to having 
>> solved this in past lives.
>> So things come to mind…
>> 1. “Gpg” eh?  What about “gpg2” … my memory is that last time I did this I 
>> used gpg2.
>> 2. “/usr/local/bin” eh?  I thought the brew folks moved to /opt/homebrew/bin 
>> on Apple Silicon.
>> 3. I seem to remember solving this, at last once, with a symbolic link to 
>> where I found gpg installed, but that was a longtime ago.
>> 4. I did happen upon a posting in this mailing list, maybe a year (or two) 
>> old that mentions setting an environment variable to help guide Mailmate to 
>> this exceubable.
>> 4a.  Of course mailMate runs as a child/spawn, of launchd.  Luck me I 
>> already know how to set environment variable in launchd for this kind of 
>> thing.
>> 4b. Then I found an email that mentioned using “defaults set” to inject this 
>> info into mailmate
>>    defaults write com.freron.MailMate environmentVariables -array '{enabled 
>> = :true;  name = "MM_GPG"; value = "/opt/homebrew/bin/gpg"; }'
>> 5. I don’t see info. About this in recent mailing list content.
>> So at point I seemed reasonably to ask if this was written down someplace.
>> If not, I’ll just kick it until something works :)
>>   - ben
>> On 20 Jan 2025, at 3:03, Oliver Sturm via mailmate wrote:
>>> I hadn’t actually tried it since I started using MailMate, since PGP 
>>> doesn’t come along too often for me these days. So I was curious, I tried 
>>> it and it works correctly. This is an M4 Mac, so unless you’re referring to 
>>> a problem specific to the M2 I wonder what it is?
>>> Screenshots:
>>> [ "2025-01-20-001...@2x.png" ]
>>> [ "2025-01-20-001...@2x.png" ]
>>> On 19 Jan 2025, at 19:38, Ben Hyde wrote:
>>>> I’m moving over to a new M2 Mac.  So PGP encryption stopped working.
>>>> I see plenty of discussion about this the archives of this esteemed 
>>>> mailing list.
>>>> Is this documented some place?  - ben
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