@Benny: I found out that I can get a detailed log in the activity window. And 
it really looks like I have hit a problem. Here is the log stripped down to the 
core problem:

17:28:17 S: G3 OK Success
17:28:17 C: G4 LIST "[Gmail]" ""
17:28:17 S: * LIST (\Noselect) "/" "/"
17:28:17 S: G4 OK Success
17:28:17 C: G5 APPEND "[Gmail]/Archive" () "14-Sep-2008 11:59:45 +0200" {283222}
17:28:17 S: + go ahead
17:28:17 C: X-Opera-Status: 
0500000000000002a348ccf4800004397e08000480000439ac0000000000000005000 ...
17:28:17    <283222 bytes>
17:28:17 C: ... 

17:28:18 S: * BYE Invalid character in literal
17:28:18 Error: Server response: “* BYE Invalid character in literal”.
17:28:18 S: <<< terminated reading >>>
17:28:18 Warning: IMAP server rejected literal with NUL charater. Working 
around it by reencoding.
17:28:18 Error code: 12
17:28:18 Failed action (1006). Reset observed read/write timeouts: 8/8

17:28:18 Handling reply
17:28:18 Running action
17:28:18 Handling request
17:28:18 Clearing connection to imap.gmail.com
17:28:18 Ready to run action (type: 1006, retry count: 0)
17:28:18 Adding 1 message(s)
17:28:18 Clearing connection to imap.gmail.com
17:28:18 Trying to connect to imap.gmail.com on port 993 (CFNetwork) without 
STARTTLS (required)
17:28:18 Resolved hostname (imap.gmail.com).
17:28:18 Prepare secure connection...
17:28:18 Successful connection.
17:28:18 Initiating secure connection...
17:28:18  Returned (2)...
17:28:18 S: G2 OK Success
17:28:18 C: G3 ID ("name" "MailMate" "version" "r6205" "vendor" "Freron 
Software" "contact" "mm-imap...@freron.com")
17:28:18 S: * ID ("name" "GImap" "vendor" "Google, Inc." "support-url" 
"https://support.google.com/mail"; "version" "gmail.imap-server_20241216.08_p0" 
"remote-host" "2a02:1210:82d7:bb00:ac79:9b56:f1a:d363")
17:28:18 S: G3 OK Success
17:28:18 C: G4 LIST "[Gmail]" ""
17:28:18 S: * LIST (\Noselect) "/" "/"
17:28:18 S: G4 OK Success
17:28:18 C: G5 APPEND "[Gmail]/Archive" () "14-Sep-2008 11:59:45 +0200" {283222}
17:28:19 S: + go ahead
17:28:19 C: X-Opera-Status: 
0500000000000002a348ccf4800004397e08000480000439ac0000000000000005000 ...
17:28:19    <283222 bytes>
17:28:19 C: ... 

17:28:19 S: * BYE Invalid character in literal
17:28:19 Error: Server response: “* BYE Invalid character in literal”.
17:28:19 S: <<< terminated reading >>>
17:28:19 Warning: IMAP server rejected literal with NUL charater. Working 
around it by reencoding.
17:28:19 Error code: 12
17:28:19 Failed action (1006). Reset observed read/write timeouts: 8/8

This sequence is repeated endlessly...

05-Jan-2025 -- 14:32 -- Robert M. Münch:

> I imported some older emails via MBXO files. So far, so good. MM handles them 
> and uploads them to Google using the folder I specified.
> Of course, it takes some time until the imported emails are added, but after 
> 12 hours, there is still some activity, and the activity viewer always shows 
> the same cycle. See: https://screen.studio/share/H4Aj4RUu
> 1. What does this activity loop tell me? Is it normal?
> 2. How to fix/get rid of it?
> 3. How to avoid such a situation in the future?
> @Benny: An import indicator would help a lot by showing how many emails have 
> been imported and whether they are still being processed. Or at least a 
> notification: All emails imported. MM will now sync the IMAP mailbox.
> --
> Robert M. Münch


Robert M. Münch

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