Hello Jeff, Thank you for bringing this to my attention that mailmate now supports mermaid diagrams. This is going to be useful.
https://updates.mailmate-app.com/release_notes_archive/MailMate_r6065.html Searching the release notes for "mermaid", I found that this feature was added in version 5918, with the following in the release notes: New: Capable of rendering diagrams using Mermaid. Use the language > identifier mermaid (or diagram) in a fenced code block. Since there’s no > GUI setting yet, you also need to enable the following hidden preference: > defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmBundleCommandForDiagramGeneration > -string "BCA016BB-96DF-4EBB-8DD6-4BE467FCA194" Even in version 6065 I'm not finding any setting in mailmate to enable mermaid. As soon as I issued the suggested 'defaults' command at a terminal shell prompt, the mermaid feature started working for me. Jeff On Thu, Dec 19, 2024 at 10:48 PM Jeff Bullard via mailmate < mailmate@lists.freron.com> wrote: > I an a fairly new user so I apologize if the answers to this question are > obvious, but I searched this mailing list and the issue tracker and could > find only one somewhat related thread that didn’t help me. > > *TL;DR* I need help getting Mermaid syntax and finding out how some of > the bundles should be used. BTW I seem to be using a pre-release somehow, > Build 5937, so maybe that is an issue? > Mermaid integration > > The TeXMath bundle works really well: > ∫xdx=12x 2+C\int x\, \text{d}x = \frac{1}{2} x^2 + C > > But when I try Mermaid like this, > > ~~~mermaid > graph LR > A —> B > B —> C > ~~~ > > I get an orange message above the header that says > > Bundle command failed (event: generate_diagram) > Explanation Unable to reach output > format type (discard !=html) > > I have mermaid-cli installed on my Mac, and I can generate Mermaid > graphics from the command line using exactly that same syntax, so I’m not > sure what is going wrong. > Documentation or How-To’s for bundles > > For example, I use Fantastical and so I checked the Fantastical item under > Settings:Bundles. But I’m not exactly sure what this enables me to do. If I > select an email and then run the Fantastical:Create Event command under the > Commands menu, it definitely creates a new event in Fantastical, and the > event has the title of the message subject, and a date/time of when the > message was received. That makes me wonder what use case I could have for > that. I can go to the GitHub page for the bundle but the documentation is > pretty sparse. > > —Jeff > _______________________________________________ > mailmate mailing list > Unsubscribe: https://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate > -- Jeff Bartig j...@bartig.net
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