Hi Robert,

The concept you’re going for seems workable with M-M Rules, but I haven’t had reason to do it.

The example you give seems to ultimately make a mailbox for a specific “file cabinet” related to three things (all the “AND” statements), so you start with a rule sorting unique subjects and another rule that sorts by sender. These could be separate rules or concatenated ones. The co-dependence issues will determine if you really need multiple folders or not. Seems to me you don’t in MailMate.

With those hints, I’ll leave you to it. Good Luck.


Henry Seiden
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Techworks Pro Co.
E: info<at>techworkspro<dot>com
W: http://techworkspro.com

On 4 Nov 2024, at 12:06, Robert Wall wrote:

I basically want to write a rule that says:

if (
  (subject) is in folder “target” AND
  (from) is in folder “target” AND
  (subject) and (from) are from the same message
) then (
  file (message) in folder “filecabinet”

So if these two messages are in “target”:

From: Bill Jones        
Subject: Important Information Regarding Your Account

From: Dave Smith        
Subject: Your Receipt For Your Recent Transaction

and I get another message that matches one of them dead-on:

From: Bill Jones        
Subject: Important Information Regarding Your Account

I want it filed, but a message with a mixed match of subject/from:

From: Dave Smith
Subject: Important Information Regarding Your Account

shouldn’t automatically be filed, because the matched subject isn’t from the correct sender.

I’m guessing this isn’t possible, but I wanted to see if anybody has any brilliant ideas. :)
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