Hi Verdon,

This is a long standing reason that the developer Benny does not want to return to previous versioning methods. Contact him for a historical reasoning of why.

There are three ways to check in MailMate for new builds of what used t be varying types, but not the latest. You spoke of two (MailMate Menu>check for new builds, ⌥ + Check for New Builds).

There is also from the Menu>Mailmate>Settings…>Software Update. Unfortunately, none of these will show you ALL the versions available.

The [Archive web site](https://updates.mailmate-app.com/archives/) has every single version of M-M including the latest “Experimental Builds” and what I use as a relevant reference. The current version shown there is the release you apparently have found for the LKV (last known version, 1.14, r6024.

It was published to the site dated 26FEB2024. They’ve been coming out regularly, sometimes a few days apart. I have a feeling therefore that a we’re due for a new one soon. So look there.

Hopefully when Benny decides to move to a Test Build/Prelease/Release format of builds, then the updates will fit in to the previous plans. Meanwhile the suggestion was made here to use the archive for latest builds of a more experimental nature for the interim. Does that fill in the holes of the release numbering?


Henry Seiden
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Techworks Pro Co.
E: info<at>techworkspro<dot>com
W: http://techworkspro.com

On 4 Mar 2024, at 9:53, Verdon Vaillancourt wrote:

I’ve come to realize that my ‘Check for Test Build’ in MM hasn’t been working in some time. I have done some manual checks and have updated and am running build 6024. When I hold the option key and ‘Check for Test Build’ in the MailMate menu, I get the following message

“You are Using a Prerelease 5673 is the latest release available. You have version 6024. Downgrade to 5673 | OK”

This is of course the same message whether I hold the option key and “Check for Test Build” or whether I don’t and just “Check for Update”. Is anyone else experiencing this? I have updated builds a couple times recently and this is still happening. I’m not sure when it started. Any suggestions appreciated.
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