It seems to me when attempting to log in the IMAP account in auto-configure mode, that it’s a security thing with Windows Live. The auto-configure uses new IMAP Server names (, attempting to share with online windows Live accounts according to the display in MM). The popup (see pic) failed to resolve to a working browser page (blank popup window appears and disappears with no details, so the auto-configure is stuck.

Using the previous setup in IMAP Servers with Mail (IMAP server,, etc.) but it’s a no-go in MM for unknown reasons. Works in Mail but occasionally needs refresh to stay connected. While connected I can send and receive test messages.


Henry Seiden
- -
Techworks Pro Co.
E: info<at>techworkspro<dot>com

On 25 Jan 2024, at 9:01, Henry Seiden wrote:

Hello All,

I’ve been having issues with maintaining a connection to IMAP account at server. It will often come up with a LOGIN FAIL error in Mailmate r6015-6018.

Using MM on a MBP 2021 M1 Pro (APPLE SILICON). What I have tried so far: 1. Compare to other accounts on the same machine and MM installation. All other accounts seem fine. 2. Tried to reset password on Outlook source IMAP settings, which doesn’t do the trick. Neither does completely replacing the Source account, logging it in. 3. Checked against different OS installations, different computers and comparing with

Have the Outlook account which is seldom active except for testing, turned off. Waiting to hear from anyone using Outlook. I am aware that Microsoft has recent change their app to “New Outlook” and wonder if that is something related… Anyone else? Also sent Benny Feedback to see his take on this. Appreciate any of your input here.


Henry Seiden
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Techworks Pro Co.
E: info<at>techworkspro<dot>com
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