This does not happen in v5964. It **did** happen to me though when I was testing the newer versions (v597x and higher) in the Messages pane of the Widescreen layout. I was too lazy to report it at the time…

Chaim Kram

On 30 Sep 2023, at 19:00, wrote:

Date: Sat, 30 Sep 2023 09:46:39 +0200
From: Robert M. Münch <>
To: MailMate Users <>
Subject: [MlMt] Correspondence View / Marking as read => not changing
    bold to normal font

Marking messages as read via the *Correspondence View* doesn't change the visual appearance of the subject line from bold to normal.

Viele Grüsse


Robert M. Münch

**Note**: The .ASC file contains a digital PGP signature of this email. It can be used to check that this email is from me and has not changed since I wrote it. **You can’t do anything else with this file.**

**Hinweis**: Die .ASC Datei enthält eine digitale PGP Signatur dieser Email. Mit dieser kann überprüft werden, dass diese Email von mir geschrieben und seitdem nicht verändert wurde. **Sie können mit der Datei ansonsten nichts weiter anfangen.**
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