
If you save / archive your email locally and successfully regardless of the application used (MM, Mail, etc.), and confirm that the .eml file AND attachments are stored locally, you should retain them locally.

I recommend you try it with one or more of those emails using MM to be sure you’ve save it appropriately into a location you’re able to get to and see correctly on your machine.

I have saved off my email and attachments yearly and after that rarely need to access them further, but I know where they are. Hope this helps.


Henry Seiden, Founder
- -
Techworks Pro Co.
E: info<at>techworkspro<dot>com

On 22 Sep 2023, at 1:44, Jo wrote:

If I archive it will it stay? I'd like to have access to previous online orders in case I want to look something up. I have a smart mailbox that collects all my order-related mail. Can I archive that to save it? If not, what options do I have?
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