On 17 Aug 2023, at 12:05, Alexandre Takacs wrote:
Is there a way / hidden preference to setup the default search field
proposed when performing a custom search.
Typically I’d like to have “From” / “contains” / xxxx when
on my inbox but “To” / “contains” / xxxx when on my sent items
(just one exemple, but would be a good starting point).
Any pointer welcome.
I’m not aware of any hidden default to initialize a search context,
but I use the one-character search shortcuts all the time. To search for
“sender address contains”, just prefix the search with “f ”.
Likewise, for “recipient address contains”, use “t ”. Several
other options are documented under “Search View” in the MailMate
help, and the qualifiers can all be combined in a single search.
Glenn P. Parker
mailmate mailing list