Hi Robert,
I find it noteworthy that these are of a lower priority than “Test
Builds” and so might be buggier. Will wait for a more stable Test
Build to try out and use as extensively as currently needed.
Will try to check it out on a latest build of Sonoma (Public/Developer
Beta 4) for future compatibility purposes and respond back soon.
Henry Seiden
- -
Techworks Pro Co.
E: info<at>techworkspro<dot>com
W: http://techworkspro.com
On 26 Jul 2023, at 10:51, Robert M. Münch wrote:
Hi, the * Correspondence View* is mostly broken for me in *Version
1.14 (5971)*.
* Shows a bunch (>30) of emails that definitely not form a
* I can't mark unread messages as read
Does anybody else see such a behavior?
Robert M. Münch
**Note**: The .ASC file contains a digital PGP signature of this
email. It can be used to check that this email is from me and was not
changed since I wrote it. **You can’t do anything else with this
**Hinweis**: Die .ASC Datei enthält eine digitale PGP Signatur dieser
Email. Mit dieser kann überprüft werden, dass diese Email von mir
geschrieben und seitdem nicht verändert wurde. **Sie können mit der
Datei ansonsten nichts weiter anfangen.**
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