Since this has to do with default settings and one account is messed up for unknown reason and other accounts seem to be crossing over between account on their own on your sent emails, has anyone suggested a clean install/update of MM of the current version (or a previous “Beta Release” version)?

I have no such trouble here.

All my accounts’ sent folders are marked as to sent folders, go where they are expected. The Source Sent folder consolidate well to their respective Sent Messages folders and the summary folder in the sidebar per their default settings on my MBP 2021 M1 Pro, running OS 13.4. Using version 1.14 v5964 (Test Build). Likewise, I use no modifying rules.

I have not installed 5965 as yet on my main computer but have tried it as an upgrade elsewhere (test OS version) using a migrated installation with no problems.

Hope this is of some help in your troubleshooting.


Henry Seiden
- -
Techworks Pro Co.
E: info<at>techworkspro<dot>com

On 17 Jun 2023, at 0:38, Randy Bush wrote:

i have four accounts, each with its own sent folder.  if i send a
message from account A's From:, i kinda expect it to be filed in
A's sent folder.  it seems to be random.  so there must be a setting
i am missing.

Special purpose folders for each account are denoted through the
Mailbox->Mailbox Type menu item. Each account can have up to one "Sent
Messages" type folder

i long ago marked the sent mailbox type in each account.  and all four
have the little paper airplane icon.

which are aggregated in the "Sent Messages" Smart Mailbox that is part
of the standard set of Smart Mailboxes in MM.

i normally use Sources.  but if i unhide Mailboxes, indeed there is a
folder Sent Messages which has four sub-boxes, one for each account.

oddly, one of them has no little icon, just the name.  and that is the
one into which most, though not all, messages seem to go from other

If you have rules defined for whichever folder MM thinks is Account
A's "Sent Messages" type folder

i do not

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