Hi Alexandre,

I have not renewed my Outlook account log in in quite a while, password or OA2 until today.

It has been running, without any visible failures or renewal requests in MM, but it turned out not actually communicating with the server nd without indicating a fault, BTW.

Probably that’s because it was not previously configure properly or wasn’t updated from previous versions of OAuth.

Using an owned (probably ancient) version of M365 WindowsLive/Outlook account, not subscription. For clarity, I have little email in or out on that account these days (short of testing it and MS security notices, to see if it works) which just did.

Updated my log-in in MM to automatically to include OAuth2 (goes to MS and reconfirms the OAuth), It’s again working, but wasn’t running before today since a while ago (no idea why except a OAuth - possible upgrade to using it again?) but made no other changes (PW, or otherwise).

I will see how long it takes for warnings of some type to appear and get back to you. It’s a good reminder to test more frequently.


Henry Seiden
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Techworks Pro Co.
E: info<at>techworkspro<dot>com
W: http://techworkspro.com

On 20 Mar 2023, at 10:13, Alexandre Takacs wrote:


On a somewhat similar matter does anyone know if there is any was to make the M365 OAUTH token last longer than one month ? I seem to be have to renew them quite regularly - not the end of the world but still annoying.


On 14 Mar 2023, at 12:59, Chuck wrote:


I’m managing multiple accounts in Mailmate. I have my own M365 account that I’m the admin of and have always had problems with the account. I have a separate account with a client that I consult with and use Davmail in M365.

I’ve had nothing but problems with the Account that I administer and the problems have only been with Mailmate. I’ve ruled everything out by using Thunderbird without problem and have even changed to using Davmail on the account that I administer. I’m still having issues. When I go into edit the IMAP account I find that the password is blank and username is greyed out in the SMTP server configuration.

Am I missing something here? All signs are pointing to a Mailmate and this point I’ve spent way too much time on this. Thanks in advance for your help.

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