On 8 Jan 2023, at 20:10, Randy Bush wrote:

how does one choose the color of the counters in the menu bar?

I don’t believe there is a user-friendly way to do this.

However, as with practically everything else in MailMate, there is a hidden configuration setting. Examining the output of “defaults read com.freron.MailMate”, I find the following cluster of settings:

    MmCounters2 =     (
            color = "#3983C4D7";
            count = unreplied;
            inDock = 1;
            inMenuBar = 1;
            position = topLeft;
            set = INBOX;
            color = "#D03B06D7";
            count = unread;
            inDock = 1;
            inMenuBar = 1;
            position = topRight;
            set = INBOX;
            color = "#F9B311D7";
            count = all;
            inDock = 1;
            inMenuBar = 1;
            position = bottomLeft;
            set = DRAFTS;
            color = "#7CBF0CD7";
            count = flagged;
            inDock = 0;
            inMenuBar = 0;
            position = bottomRight;
            set = INBOX;

Each color is expressed using four two-digit hex values (red, green, blue, alpha). NB: alpha refers to transparency of the color. It seems that only the background color is configurable, with a fixed white text color.

Not only is this setting not user-friendly, it’s not all that developer-friendly either. Editing these color values using “defaults” will be trickier but the gist of it is, in a terminal window:

    defaults read com.freron.MailMate MmCounters2 > counters.txt
    ### Quit the MailMate app.
    ### Edit counters.txt to tweak only the color values.
defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmCounters2 “`cat counters.txt`”
    ### Restart the MailMate app.

Note the finicky quotation marks: back-ticks nested inside double quotes. This is necessary because the “defaults” command has no option to read a value from stdin. I verified that this works for this particular case, but if you mess up, you could trash your MailMate preferences. Proceed at your own risk.

Glenn P. Parker
mailmate mailing list

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