I just tried (Mailmate 5898, Big Sur) and it works OK, I just get the
text. Not very helpful, I admit.
On 22 Jan 2023, at 0:42, Scott wrote:
For a while now (over a year, possibly more), I've found that when I
paste text into a compose window on MailMate, instead of just getting
the text, it is turned into a Pasted Image (PNG, I think).
This is somewhat infuriating, as I end up taking the same text from
the Clipboard, pasting it into Sublime Text, select-all, copy, and
THEN pasting it into MailMate.
Is it just me? Is there a workaround?
The source text is often from various web-apps I use for work, but, no
other application besides MailMate seems to have an issue with it.
I can take the same Clipboard and paste into a Terminal session, vim,
any text editor, DevonThink, doesn't matter...always works.
But MailMate will almost always turn pasted text into an image.
I'm guessing there's extraneous information in the copied data which
is making MailMate assume I'm trying to paste binary content, perhaps.
Would be great if someone knows a way around this!
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