Hello all, Benny included in this version,

Recently updated from the previous version (5933) and noticed that certain settings in compose were reset. In particular my setting of signature preferences (reselected by using the button at the top of the compose window. Do not yet know if it will ’stick’ for future composing (enable message preview).

Also, the local storage of links in formatted inline documents. It seems the best approach to restore all settings would be to copy in all previous settings, completely replacing all settings with what was used before.

Did the M-M update when installing a new MacOS update (Ventura 13.2 RC), so that may have something to do with it as well although it hasn’t before when using the same technique.

Will try a clean install with import of settings to confirm and report back. Seems stable other wise though.


Henry Seiden
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Techworks Pro Co.
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