On 11 Oct 2022, at 9:23, Scott Schulz wrote:
So I’m wondering if there is a manual way to remove that source from
the list, and any saved emails from disk?
Hi Scott,
This requires some surgery, but it’s doable.
IMAP accounts are stored in
SMTP accounts are stored in
Sending identities are stored in
If you’re familiar with plist syntax this should be pretty
The arrangement and properties of folders are stored in
`~/Library/ApplicationSupport/MailMate/Mailboxes.plist`. This one is
pretty complicated so I would probably first try leaving it alone and
seeing if MailMate freaks out when it finds that the source for some
mailboxes has disappeared. If so, you’ll need to remove the items that
reference the account you’ve deleted in their `uuid` value. And then
if any of the items your deleted are mentioned in another item’s
`previousUUID` value, you’ll probably have to change the
`previousUUID` value to point to an item that still exists. (This is how
item ordering is defined.)
Make sure MailMate is not running when you edit these. And back them up!
Cached messages are stored in subfolders of
`~/Library/ApplicationSupport/MailMate/Messages.noindex/IMAP`. You can
delete these once the account is gone.
Hope this helps,
mailmate mailing list