On 7 Sep 2022, at 14:59, John Cooper wrote:
David Wainberg wrote (at 12:32 PM on Wednesday, September 7, 2022):
Hi all,
I want to keep track of messages I've sent for which I expect a
reply. I had the idea to do this by tagging or flagging the message
as I compose it.
[...] I add a tag in the composer window, and then send the message.
I find the message in Sent and it has no tag.
I feel like I might be missing something simple. Can anyone tell me?
Have you tried adding the tag after the message is sent, instead of
tagging it during composition? Sounds as if the tag might not be
preserved as the message is saved for the first time.
If that's true, this is a new behavior. I have had a smart mailbox
called "Awaiting Response" that takes messages from "Sent Messages" and
"INBOX" that have the tag `waiting_for_response` that I apply in
composition. It appears to be working fine.*
* Appears to be because my workflow has not had the right discipline,
and I have not been applying these tags when I should._______________________________________________
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