On 3 Sep 2022, at 11:15, Randall Gellens wrote:

Is there any way to tell MM to download (and hence display inline) some of them, without downloading the others? E.g., perhaps I want to download and see the images from the CDN but not the buttons, and especially not the image from the suspicious-sounding "ktclick.com".

Yes, there is, using the advanced preference `MmAllowedImageURLRegexp`.

I’ve been using this for years to unblock benign remote images, so that I hardly ever feel the need to click the “Download” button. I have a script that maintains it for me (but I have to add the patterns manually). Here’s the script:

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use Modern::Perl;
use autodie ':all';

my @pats = (
#'https://github\.com/', # disabled because of /notifications/beacon/
'https://files\.constantcontact\.com/9c1b9ffb601/', # Amherst Cinema
    'https://d1a2o89e23clzw\.cloudfront\.net/emails/', # XConfessions
    'https://d3k81ch9hvuctc\.cloudfront\.net/', # Simplehuman
    'https://cascade\.madmimi\.com/', # Gonzalez and Associates
'https://d1lggihq2bt4jo\.cloudfront\.net/', # Gonzalez and Associates
    'https://d15k2d11r6t6rl\.cloudfront\.net/', # Plex

my $pat = '(' . join('|', @pats) . ').*';

system "/usr/bin/defaults", "write", "com.freron.MailMate",
    "MmAllowedImageURLRegexp", "-string", $pat;


I edit the script in BBEdit (usually to add a pattern to `@pats`), save, and then use #! → Run to actually update the plist.
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