Hi Henry

Thanks for this.  My HTML Sigs also seem OK.

I get the error while I’m composing from my Office365 account. This one is is coming from a private (fast mail) address and I don’t have the problem.

Its like MM does something different or extra for office accounts, and that triggers the problem. And, since sanitize-html is an external program, it might be something configured bad on my Mac.


On 19 Aug 2022, at 10:13, Henry Seiden wrote:

Hi Simon,

Don’t know about your inlined CSS, but all mine is in my signature and the HTML there has been the same for a long time. In version ’10 at least hasn’t it given me that indication.

Will go back and check as soon as my computer using MM is back and reinstalled. It’s getting a battery swelling issue repaired. This is done on Mail. Missing MailMate terribly as well.


Henry Seiden, Founder

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On Aug 18, 2022, at 19:42, Simon Kaplan <si...@kaplan.id.au> wrote:

Hi all

In the last few versions of MM I’ve been getting the following error as I compose:

Warning: CSS inlining unexpectedly failed
A JavaScript exception occurred

And I get a bright orange header bar as I’m composing that says

External command failed: sanitize-html

Any ideas, anyone?

(I’m on 5912 now, I think this has been happening since ’09 or ’10)

Simon Kaplan
+61 411 511 122

“Success is not final. Failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts.” (Winston Churchill)
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