
You may know that no crashes on MBP 2019 15,2 Intel on any version of MacOS. 
Sorry to hear tho’. 

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C/T (954) 253-4125
Henry M. Seiden
Techworks Pro

> On Aug 12, 2022, at 13:36, Ken Pope <> wrote:
> I had no problems w/ MM on M1 pro but when I moved to M1 Max macbook pro, MM 
> started crashing as you described.
> Benny told me to try MM Version 1.14 (5887). I did, and since then no crashes.
> I currently run OS Monterey 12.5 on Macbook pro 16-inch, 2021.
> Hope this helps.
> Ken
> On 12 Aug 2022, at 12:57, Eli Rotenberg wrote:
> Just upgraded my laptop to a new M1 MacBook pro, and I am sad to say MailMate 
> is hardly useful because it frequently crashes while composing messages. I’ve 
> sent a few crash reports to apple but I thought it was worth once writing you 
> as well.
> Seems to have to do with the time spent editing. I can send any number of 
> short emails, like those requiring editing less than 60 seconds.
> But when I am spending more time editing, like a few minutes or more, it is 
> likely to hang on the spinning beachball. I thought maybe it was crashing on 
> saving the draft, because on every case the draft was up to date after 
> restarting. But then one counterexample showed up. I thought maybe it was 
> from going several times to the start or middle of the message and inserting 
> some text, but sometimes it crashed when typing straight from beginning to 
> end without much editing.
> Hopefully you can track this down because it’s one of my favorite apps of all 
> time and I hate to give it up. I didn’t have this problem on my old laptop.
> thanks 
> Eli 
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