I already use BusyContacts in a way that is very close to what you are asking for.

When I right-click on one of my BusyContacts tags (which are equivalent to groups), I see a menu that allows me to Send Email to everyone in that group, and since Mailmate is my default for email, it just works:

![](cid:8FFF0D67-5564-493D-BD30-E3A0849A7F19@lisasieverts.com "CleanShot 2022-07-29 at 14.33.34.png")

I use this feature daily.

My apologies in advance if you already knew this and were asking for something else.

Lisa Sieverts

On 28 Jul 2022, at 15:23, Henry Seiden wrote:


The app I use instead of Contacts which accesses the database just fine (and stores is away in its own configuration, BTW) is Busy Contacts. It uses a different methodology that makes it compatible but separate and more stable. It uses a tag field so you can sort on the tag. I haven’t quite figured out how to find by tag AND select the found items in one stroke.

If I can do that I will be able to export that entire selection to an email bypassing all the other stuff - manual selection, etc. Then it’ll go straight to MailMate either in the To: or BCC: field without any interaction with MailMate.

Of course, as is MailMate only works with Contacts so we’re stuck with all the flaws. It ain’t MailMate, though. I don’t we can ask Benny to fix Contacts flaws. Maybe we can ask for an interface to [Busy Contacts](www.busymac.com) though. What say you Mr. Wizard?


Henry Seiden
- -
Techworks Pro Co.
E: info<at>techworkspro<dot>com
W: http://techworkspro.com

On 28 Jul 2022, at 11:31, Edward Thome wrote:

On 24 Jul 2022, at 16:19, Henry Seiden wrote:
I notice three things overall in my use of Contacts with MailMate:
1. In Contacts, the group name is very difficult to add or rename - seems an app issue and not the only one in Contacts, which is why I don’t use it. Unfortunately my preferred app, Busy Contacts doesn’t have the same feature, it has others. 2. Expansion of the group to show emails in MailMate. In an existing email (like this one), the group name just sits there. It isn’t expandable to a list of names for me, while in a new (empty) email it is. MailMate issue? 3. The dropdown in MailMate does appear for each person in the expanded Mail list, once expanded view is showing, however alternate emails in each contact’s info are not visible or selectable.

I believe that you are correct in that Contacts.app is involved.
I believe that if a contact card comes from more than one set of contact groups (say, iCloud, LocalISP, Gmail), then it won’t show up when the group completes. You can tell by looking at the contact in Contacts.app and looking for the entry for “cards” just above “note”.

If you are using a Smart Group, this can cause the address to show up twice.

I have my all my Contacts pruned accordingly, and it is working for me now.

Thanks, for the tip, Henry.
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