What I did was add a list of tracker sites to pf.conf, e.g.:

block drop from any to t.paypal.com
block drop from any to epl.paypal-communication.com
block drop from any to iqconnect.lmhostediq.com
block drop from any to doodle-2b4fcd38ea57.intercom-mail.com
block drop from any to intercom-mail.com
block drop from any to links.forwardcdn.com

But I still want to make a MM command that will take a new address and stuff it into a list to block.

On 9 May 2022, at 16:31, Sam Birch wrote:

On 9 May 2022, at 12:32, Randall Gellens wrote:

The difference between "Blocked" and "Strictly Blocked" is that the latter uses a list of known-undesirable sources?

I believe so.

Given this, I assume the purpose of the warning that a 1-pixel image has been downloaded is to let the user know that the message whose embedded images were downloaded contains obvious trackers?

That’s my understanding.

Yet, the message may very likely be from a "good" source but sent using a commercial mail distribution service which adds its own trackers.

I agree.

It would be more helpful if the warning would add the source of each just-downloaded 1-pixel image to the "Strictly Blocked" list. Sort of a "Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me" thing.

Yes, that would be nice.

Benny has expressed vague interest in allowing users to manage the image block/allow patterns through the UI, but I don’t think it’s a priority currently. In the mean time, take a look at the advanced preference `MmAllowedImageURLRegexp`.

I’ve been using this for years to unblock benign remote images, so that I hardly ever feel the need to click the “Download” button. I have a script that maintains it for me (but I have to add the patterns manually). Here’s the script:

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use Modern::Perl;
use autodie ':all';

my @pats = (
#'https://github\.com/', # disabled because of /notifications/beacon/
'https://files\.constantcontact\.com/9c1b9ffb601/', # Amherst Cinema
    'https://d1a2o89e23clzw\.cloudfront\.net/emails/', # XConfessions
    'https://d3k81ch9hvuctc\.cloudfront\.net/', # Simplehuman
    'https://cascade\.madmimi\.com/', # Gonzalez and Associates
'https://d1lggihq2bt4jo\.cloudfront\.net/', # Gonzalez and Associates
    'https://d15k2d11r6t6rl\.cloudfront\.net/', # Plex

my $pat = '(' . join('|', @pats) . ').*';

system "/usr/bin/defaults", "write", "com.freron.MailMate",
    "MmAllowedImageURLRegexp", "-string", $pat;


I edit the script in BBEdit (usually to add a pattern to `@pats`), save, and then use #! → Run to actually update the plist.

Hope someone finds this interesting.
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