See some reference to Mail Attachments but not that specific item.
It’s mentioned in Release Notes>Revision History - at r5882, 5883.
That goes back to March, 2022. Earlier??
Henry Seiden
Techworks Pro Co.
E: info<at>techworkspro<dot>com
On 26 Apr 2022, at 10:57, Glenn Parker wrote:
On 21 Apr 2022, at 10:05, Charlie Clark wrote:
On 21 Apr 2022, at 14:36, John Hughes via mailmate wrote:
I didn’t see a reply to Quinn’s question so is there a solution
to this? I’m using version 5852.
I don't think so. Ideally, we need something a bit like the "tray"
used when adding attachments and this should be
expandable/collapsible. But I think this kind of UI candy tends to be
quite tricky.
Maybe someone could mock up a design?
FWIW, earlier versions of MailMate actually defaulted to listing
attachments at the bottom of the message. There was a hidden
preference to move them to the top, which is still mentioned in the
online help section for Hidden Preferences, but it no longer does
anything. This change seems to have occurred after a major rewrite of
the message display code.
Glenn P. Parker
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