On 9 Apr 2022, at 21:57, John Cooper wrote:
Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote (at 1:37 AM on Saturday, Apr 9, 2022):
This means `emate` still doesn't work in the latest test release (for
most users on macOS 12.3). Instead, I should complete my work on a
replacement for `emate`. No time frame on that though.
Assuming that emate is something I'd want to help make MailMate fully
functional, what's the simplest way to make it so? I don't have the
full Xcode package installed, but I have installed the Xcode
command-line tools, and homebrew.
If I've got it right then the command line tools should be sufficient,
that is, the first time you run `emate` then you'll automatically be
asked to allow macOS to install “Command Line Tools” (no need for a
full Xcode install). This will install `python3` which works with r5884
of MailMate. This is only relevant if you need `emate` at all (it's
essentially just a wrapper for the `mailto:` URL scheme).
In any case, I will likely replace `emate` soon with something that does
not need `python` at all.
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