On 14 Mar 2022, at 19:20, Randall Meadows wrote:

Follow-up, FWIW...upgrading to Monterey seems to have made the first two issues (menu flashing and context switching) disappear (with no change to the version of MailMate).

Well, I didn't have much of an idea of those anyways. The menu flashing should only happen if triggering a menu command (and the flashing is done by Apple code). Note that ⌘+down is bound to “Next Message” though. That might be accidentally triggered.

The narcolepsy problem still exists, though. :(

You can try catching it with this command:

        sample MailMate 10 > ~/Desktop/mailmate_sample.txt

I had a similar report recently. In that case, I believe it was triggered by the arrival of messages combined with a large message store, and an antivirus program scanning database index files every time the database was updated.

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