Trying in MM… UID did  (the CAP typed term is NOT auto-corrected, the lower 
case is auto-corrected as shown. Maybe that is why some run across the anomaly 
and some do not?

The other option stated by commenters is to turn off correction completely in 
MM, from it’s default setting. I’m considering which to do. There are other 
spelling corrections I have noted but do not have handy to share with you.

If MM relies entirely on Apple’s correction as it appears and other apps have 
their own table or do not rely on Apple at all, could this be  why? I do not 
know how to check on spelling auto-correction in other apps. So I guess my 
question is do other app relay on their own lookup table for spelling 
correction or some combination of processes or what?


Henry Seiden

Techworks Pro Co.
E: info<at>techworkspro<dot>com

On 18 Feb 2022, at 21:49, Julian Thomas wrote:

>> On Feb 18, 2022, at 16:52, Randall Gellens <> 
>> wrote:
>> Running MailMate 5869 on MacOS 12, the composer auto-typos, e.g., changing 
>> “uid” to “did”. Is this a MailMate thing or a MacOS thing?
> I very much suspect it’s MacOS. You can try this:
> System Preferences - Keyboard - Text - add an entry to replace uid with uid.
> hth
> —
> jt -
> The perfection of a clock is not to go fast, but to be accurate. -Luc de 
> Clapiers, marquis de Vauvenargue
> Julian Thomas
> ‌As a general truth, communities prosper and flourish, or droop and decline, 
> in just the degree that they practise or neglect to practise the primary 
> duties of justice and humanity. - William Henry Seward‌
> ‌
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