On 7 Feb 2022, at 14:46, Pete Resnick via mailmate wrote:

> On 7 Feb 2022, at 0:50, Fredrik Jonsson wrote:
>> mailmate--- via mailmate 2022-02-07 1:33 wrote:
>>> The secure way would be to run a real IMAP server on your machine, to which 
>>> MailMate can connect locally. I haven’t tried myself, but running 
>>> [Dovecot](https://www.dovecot.org/) in a container should work.
>> I have done this for many years. If you are comfortable with running your 
>> own services it works really well.
>> Here is an old, but updated, post on how to set it up on macOS. I'm running 
>> this setup on macOS Monterey 12.2 at the moment.
>> <https://xdeb.org/post/2014/running-dovecot-as-a-local-only-imap-server-on-os-x/>
> A simpler approach might be to buy a copy of MailServe. 
> <https://cutedgesystems.com>

I tried the Dovecot approach on Mojave and spent ages trying to get it working. 
I gave up and installed the out-of-the-box version with MailServe (it is 
licensed by the version of OSX you have so if you change the OSX version you 
need to relicense)

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