Will this hidden preference help??

When moving or deleting a message MailMate automatically selects the “next” 
message in the current mailbox. The definition of “next” can be controlled 
using the following preference:

defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmMessagesOutlineMoveStrategy -string "next"

The possible values are:
Value   Behavior
none    Do not select another message.
next    Select the next message with respect to the sorting direction.
previous        Select the previous message with respect to the sorting 
unreadOrNext    Always prefer the direction of an unread message before going 
to next.
unreadOrPrevious        Always prefer the direction of an unread message before 
going to previous.



On 2 Feb 2022, at 14:10, Zvi Biener wrote:

> Hi Folks,
> Does anyone know what string of characters to use to reference the delete 
> key, if I wanted to rebind it in keybindings.plist?
> Thanks!
> (Context if you care: trying to make it delete a message and then move up the 
> list, as opposed to the usual moving down).
> Thanks,
> Zvi
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