Hi All,

Perhaps I can enlist your help with the attached layout? It combines a 
correspondence view with the old 'thread' view. It is attached, and on version 
5864 it looks like this: 

![](cid:B299AC91-268C-45B0-A1FE-2A0B990573F1@gmail.com "shot.jpeg")

I've hacked it together, but I'm way out of my league. I wonder:

1. When you click on a message in the "Correspondence" view, that message opens 
up in the message viewer. But when you click on a message in the "Thread" view, 
nothing happens. Is there a way to make it behave like the "Correspondence" 

2. Thread in the "Correspondence" and "Thread" view are collapsed by default. 
Is there a way to make them expanded by default? Or even flatten the list 

3. Is there a way to control the font size of the "Correspondence", "Thread", 
and "Mailbox" view independently from one another. Right now, a change to one 
changes the font size of all.

        name = "Test";
        rootViewer =
                viewerType = "MmSplitView";
                orientation = "horizontal";
                children =
                        { // First vert pane
                                viewerType = "MmSplitView";
                                orientation = "vertical";
                                defaultSize = 200;
                                minWidth = 100;
                                autoresize = 0;
                                toggleMenuTitle = "Mailboxes";
                                toggleKeyEquivalent = "^~@d";
                                collapsibleSubview = 2; // Incomplete support 
-- no way to get it back (1 = first, 2 = last)
                                children =
                                                viewerType = "MmBoxView";
                                                orientation = "vertical";
                                                defaultSize = 200;
                                                autoresize = 0;
                                                children =
                                                                viewerType = 
                                                                identifier = 
                                                                viewerType = 
= 1;
                                        { // Correspondence view
                                                viewerType = "MmSplitView";
                                                orientation = "vertical";
                                                defaultSize = 200;
                                                autoresize = 1;
                                                children =
                                                                viewerType = 
                                                                label = 
                                                                identifier = 
                                                                viewerType = 
                                                                sources = ( { 
sourceIdentifier = "mainOutline"; } );
selectionSources = ( { sourceIdentifier = "mainOutline"; } );
                                                                // FIXME: The 
transformation does not work 'per' message, i.e., it tries to combine any 
'from' with any 'to' in $mainOutline.
= "$ALL_MESSAGES.filter((from.address = $mainOutline.from.address and 
#recipient.address = $mainOutline.#recipient.address) or (from.address = 
$mainOutline.#recipient.address and #recipient.address = 
= ( "subject", "relativeDate" );
                                                                outlineColumn = 
                                                                viewerType = 
                                                                label = 
                                                                identifier = 
                                                                viewerType = 
                                                                sources = ( { 
sourceIdentifier = "mainOutline"; } );
selectionSources = ( { sourceIdentifier = "mainOutline"; } );
                                                                // FIXME: The 
transformation does not work 'per' message, i.e., it tries to combine any 
'from' with any 'to' in $mainOutline.
= "$ALL_MESSAGES.filter(#thread-id =[c] $mainOutline.#thread-id)";
= ( "from", "relativeDate" );
                                                                outlineColumn = 

                                                toggleMenuTitle = 
"Correspondence View";
                                                toggleKeyEquivalent = "^~@c";
                        { // second vert pane
                                viewerType = "MmSplitView";
                                orientation = "vertical";
                                collapsibleSubview = 2; // Incomplete support 
-- no way to get it back (1 = first, 2 = last)
                                children =
                                                viewerType = "MmBoxView";
                                                orientation = "vertical";
                                                defaultSize = 250;
                                                autoresize = 0;
                                                children =
                                                                identifier = 
                                                                viewerType = 
                                                                sources = ( { 
sourceIdentifier = "mailboxesOutline"; } );
                                                                identifier = 
                                                                viewerType = 
columnSettings = "outlineColumns";
                                                                // Keeps 
selected messages in the view even if they no longer match the main query
                                                                // sources = ( 
{ sourceIdentifier = "mainOutline"; }, { sourceIdentifier = "pathControl"; } );
                                                                sources = ( { 
sourceIdentifier = "pathControl"; } );
                                                                minHeight = 50;
                                                viewerType = "MmSplitView";
                                                orientation = "horizontal";
                                                children =
                                                                viewerType = 
                                                                orientation = 
                                                                children =
identifier = "tagsEditor";
viewerType = "MmTagsEditor";
sources = ( { sourceIdentifier = "correspondenceOutline"; } );
viewerType = "MmMultiMessageView";
identifier = "messageView";
minHeight = 150;
minWidth = 250;
sources = ( { sourceIdentifier = "correspondenceOutline"; } );

                                                toggleMenuTitle = "Message 
                                                toggleKeyEquivalent = "^~@h";
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