Just curious if you've tried using smart mailboxes to help with this situation.

For example, a smart mailbox with conditions "message is not read" and "To: does not contain 'postmaster@'" should always contain messages that are not yet read and were not addressed to "postmaster@<anything>": in other words, messages presumably addressed to you personally that you haven't read yet.

I receive a lot of automated email. Maybe not as much as you, but probably a couple hundred messages a day -- not really sure, never actually counted. I use about 10 or so smart mailboxes to segregate things, and with a little more thought and effort, could probably usefully create 10 or 15 more.

Anyway, just a thought. Smart mailboxes are a pretty great feature of MailMate and seem like they could help with your situation.

On Mon 2022-01-03 08:16 PM MST -0700, <qu...@strangecode.com> wrote:

I manage a mail server which has many postmaster@ mail accounts that I need to monitor. These accounts receive many hundreds of messages a day, such as Delivery Notification Failures, DMARC reports, and other transactional messages. I've added these to MailMate, and noticed the messages from these accounts appear whenever I do a "Search All Mailboxes" and they appear in the Mailboxes section of the sidebar. Obviously, it makes MailMate difficult to use when these transactional messages are mixed in with my personal and work mail.
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