On 28 Nov 2021, at 21:48, Randall Gellens wrote:

I'm on 10.13.6 (High Sierra) and just updated to 5850 from the released 5673, and now I no longer get the actual URL pop-up when I hover over a link.

I checked the code and this is a feature which is intended to work on 10.12+. In other words, it sounds like a bug. If you would like to help me debug then write me via “Help ▸ Send Feedback”. My guess is that you might see an error message when hovering a URL if you launch MailMate from a Terminal window:


You can send feedback to me using “Help ▸ Send Feedback”.

I also see a large box with an "X" (looks like an envelope so is a bit confusing)

Well, I see it more like it's crossed out to signal that MailMate blocked it from being fetched.

in place of images and links, and I no longer see the link text (e.g., "Click for story"). Are these regression bugs from 5673 to 5850, or some weird interaction?

The missing link text is a regression. The new message view has much more detailed control of what is blocked, but I haven't implemented the ability of the old message view to write the image title within the image. I got that for free with the now deprecated Apple class used in the old message view. (Unfortunately, it's not obvious how to implement it.)

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