On 12 Nov 2021, at 21:22, Bill Cole wrote:

>> I just tried to check for an update but received the error "SSL certificate 
>> problem: certificate has expired", which might explain why I wasn't aware 
>> there was anything newer.
> [very technical explanation]

Thanks for the details Bill. I'm definitely not an expert on these issues and I 
kind of just decided to live with it since it only affects “older” macOS 

> Ideally, the fix is server-side. Servers like updates.mailmate-app.com should 
> be reconfigured to send only the server certificate and its immediate issuer 
> cert as the server's trust chain, NOT including the version of "ISRG Root X1" 
> which is signed by the expired cert. That would break a DIFFERENT subset of 
> older clients (which don't trust the ISRG root by default) which is probably 
> why even Let's Encrypt's own servers are still sending the quasi-bogus cert.

Let me know (off list) if you think it would be fairly easy to help me change 
this on my server to avoid this issue :)

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