(Resending, accidentally sent from wrong address and the list bounced. Changing 
emails is hard :) )


I am in the middle of a project to transition away from Gmail onto Fastmail 
(yay) but encountered a bizarre problem today for no apparent reason.

I have seen this behavior associated both with my new Fastmail account and at 
least one of the old gmail accounts it just happens won't be able to get rid of 
for a long time. But, it never showed up until I started the transition so it 
seems related. The gmail account is not yet linked to the Fastmail account.

The behavior is simple: whenever the INBOX *or* full account is synchronized, 
the counter badges on the MailMate icon go berserk, counting up super fast, and 
Mailmate becomes non-responsive. All I can do is force-quit the application.

I can recover by using Little Snitch to block all of Mailmate's network 
connections, reopening, and taking the account offline (or putting it on manual 
sync). When I let connections through again, it works fine until I try one of 
the forbidden syncs. I can sync other mailboxes successfully and without 

Once I get back in, nothing horrible appears to have happened. I do not have 
hundreds or thousands of new messages or duplicates, the counters go back to 
reasonable numbers... It's weird. I have previously been experiencing various 
problems with a different gmail account in Mailmate, part of my motive for 
transitioning, so its possible there is something weird and bad that had 
migrated over but that doesn't really seem to fit which mailboxes are giving me 

I see this behavior r5820, which is what I normally use, and r5831 (which is 
the most recent I can get my hands on).

I am separately sending logs generated by r5831 directly to mm-feedback. I 
don't see anything interesting in the activity viewer when the problem occurs, 
for what its worth.

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