Just FYI - Benny updated the Todoist bundle fixing the problem I reported.

On 8 Oct 2021, at 16:15, Robert Brenstein wrote:

Personally, I don’t think that MM’s bundle is at fault. It worked fine until I upgraded Todoist and I haven’t changed anything on MM side. I give another shout to Todoist’s support having this more technical info. Maybe I can finally get the issue escalated.

On the other hand, the string that you quote as given to Todoist has those extra 25’s. If so, how was it working until now?


On 7 Oct 2021, at 18:20, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 7 Oct 2021, at 9:31, Robert Brenstein wrote:

Right. The question is who does the escaping and whether it is specific to my setup or it is a general problem.

That's a good question. I'm pretty sure it's a general problem, but I haven't tried myself yet. This is part of the string given to Todoist:


That is a URL encoded version of the string that MailMate would like to get into Todoist which is this:


This should, when it's decoded (by Apple Mail or MailMate) result in this Message-ID:


So, why is the string given to Todoist double-encoded. Well, that's because it's given as a URL string itself in the `content` argument as (kind of) documented by Todoist [here](https://developer.todoist.com/guides/#views).

So, I don't *think* the Todoist bundle (MailMate) is to blame. But we needs things to work so if they insist then I'll have to look into a workaround.

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