CORRECTION - My previous EM should have read:

“except those messages that ARE in the Junk area” instead of “except those messages that are **not** in the Junk area”

- - -

Forwarded message:

From: Antonio Leding <>
To: MailMate Users <>
Subject: Re: [MlMt] How can I create a Smart Mailbox with all emails I have sent?
Date: Fri, 15 Oct 2021 01:49:43 +0000

I tried sending this with the screenshots but the EM was too big so I posted them up on Imgur.

Add another condition that excludes the Junk mailbox - the screenshots on Imgur are an example that grabs all mail from my tech email address except those messages that are not in the Junk area:

- - -

On 14 Oct 2021, at 18:20, leo wrote:

Hi all, I would like to create a Smart Mailbox containing all emails I have sent.

I have tried a condition like &nbsp;`“From -> Address“ contains “<my email address>“`:

![]( "Screen Shot 2021-10-15 at 12.15.02 pm.png")

But with this the Smart Mailbox contains spam which pretends to be sent from my address as well.

Is there a mail header which says „_This message was really sent from this particular SMTP server_“ or similar?

Many thanks,
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