Now that Benny is back “among us” again :-) I’m repeating this question from a 
few weeks back in case he has any words on a possible fix at some point:

> Am I crazy, or did MailMate used to keep “smart” typography out of code 
> blocks so that, e.g., single and quotation marks in those code blocks 
> wouldn’t get “curly” as in the following silly example?

for (x=1; x++; x<10) {
  console.log(“x=“ + x)

> I could swear that it did, but it doesn’t now. At least the preview does flag 
> such things in red, so there’s that. Of course, I could just turn off 
> system-wide “smart” typography, but — again, if I’m not remembering wrongly — 
> that wasn’t necessary in the past. TIA to anyone who can set me straight or 
> confirm my recollection, whichever is appropriate.

Best wishes,

Bryce Wray

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