Hi all,
I'm new to the list here. (I got tired of Apple Mail. As legacy user of
Eudora and Mulberry, I was looking for a "purist" email client. So far,
MailMate fits the bill. :)
Following the [hidden
instructions, I applied the following via Terminal:
- Some users prefer to always have the initial focus in the text editor
of the Composer window, also for new messages:
`defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmComposerInitialFocus -string
I would like to set this back to its default; that is, I want to have
the initial focus in the **To** field.
I see the following in `com.freron.MailMate.plist`:
` <key>MmComposerInitialFocus</key>
... but I don't know what to change `alwaysTextView` to.
I'd be grateful for any help.
mailmate mailing list