On 16 Apr 2021, at 21:31, Ralph Alvy wrote:

I have a feeling you and I are in a small nonvocal minority here, given the lack of response to the post.

Probably, I'm trying to think of when I need this. I normally just write plaintext with a bit of markdown. While I could do with an easier way of enabling (and automatically resizing) the preview, I don't really see the need for a rich text editor.

But, more importantly, I think there are inherent problems with this anyway: a lot of the HTML in e-mail is hideously complex and very difficult to work with. AFAIK a lot of templates are still supposed to work with the first versions of Outlook and Outlook Express that supported this. I think Benny has mentioned this in the past: basically MailMate's output has to be interleaved with the original.

But with MailMate's extensibility you might be able to get what you want assuming there is some external editor that does this, because MailMate can embed the generated HTML in an e-mail, though I'm not sure how the plain text part would work.


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