On 16 Apr 2021, at 19:02, Charlie Clark wrote:

> I occasionally see e-mail for a smart mailbox in my inbox, when it's not 
> supposed to be. Switching folders generally resolves this. I don't use Gmail 
> but, as long as nothing is being moved, I don't think it should matter.
> I have seen race conditions where rules to move mails in both MailMate and 
> FairEMail on my phone both want to do the same thing and this definitely can 
> lead to duplicate mail.

Eventually, I solved the mystery.

The duplicate messages have different Msg IDs, which made me suspicious. Hence, 
I add the "Source Mailbox" to my list view and found out that the duplicate 
emails had different source Mailboxes.

The duplication showed up because I used "All Messages" (which include all 
source mailboxes) and not only to "Inbox" (which is only the Inbox mailbox from 
Gmail) as a parameter to the setting "of the following mailboxes."

And the root cause was that a CRM system I use created a new Gmail mailbox for 
keeping track of email communication.

This mail duplication effect is an excellent example of several side-effects 
forming a situation not intended at all but still possible to achieve.


Robert M. Münch

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