On 16 Mar 2021, at 23:08, Philip Paeps wrote:

On 2021-03-17 12:02:00 (+0800), Edward Thome wrote:
On 16 Mar 2021, at 21:56, Randy Bush wrote:
mm Version 1.13.2 on current big sur

i have selected a text-only message and hit command-p.  mailmate
crashes.  how to get debug?


It was a known issue with 1.13.2 (r5673 and thereabouts). Printing works again on r5737 through r5757 (Version 1.14).


(now that I go there I see a lot of later versions, too, but they must be pre-releases of some kind).

You can get these pre-releases if you hold down "option" while clicking the "check for updates" button.

Yes, I check weekly but it has told me for weeks that r5757 is the latest version. I thought that was unusual, but I assumed that Bennie was really doing a lot of work under the hood and would have a major release any day now. :-) [I also have “Watch for Beta Releases” checked. Not sure why it wasn’t working.]

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