I don't know too much about ActiveSync, but if it's Exchange 365 using so-called modern Auth (i.e. OAuth2), my experience is that MailMate r5757 works fine. You need to select OAuth2 in the "IMAP Account Settings" screen for both IMAP & SMTP. Specify outlook.office365.com as the IMAP & SMTP Servers, enter your email address, and you'll authenticate via a window that will appear.

It's possible the server side is configured to only allow specific mail clients. If that's the case, you'll see a message about MailMate not being an approved client. At that point you're at the mercy of your school and whatever policies they have in place.

But it's worth a try, it might just work!


On 3 Feb 2021, at 23:56, Charlie Garrison wrote:

On 4 Feb 2021, at 15:48, Harvey S. Leff wrote:

I know that MailMate is wedded to IMAP, which is fine with me. As a long-time MailMate user, I wonder if I can have my university mail automatically forwarded to another server, which can sync messages with MailMate using IMAP. Any ideas? Thanks.

I have no idea about forwarding, and really no idea about ActiveSync. But, a couple of years ago I used `davmail` to connect to work email Exchange. Maybe it will help with ActiveSync.

- https://github.com/mguessan/davmail
- http://galileo.phys.virginia.edu/compfac/faq/davmail.html



    Charlie Garrison                   <char...@garrison.com.au>
    Garrison Computer Services      <http://www.garrison.com.au>
    PO Box 380
    Tumbarumba NSW 2653  Australia
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