Hi all,

b) Will I be able to install the latest beta from the 1.x branch without problems with configurations and databases?
Yes. I also recommend using the latest test release on Big Sur: Hold 
down ⌥ when clicking “Check Now” in the Software Update 
preferences pane.

I did this, but, am now regretting it -- but hopefully only temporarily.

I had a "Dark Mode" Custom CSS installed, which was always a bit of a hack, I know, but, it saved me from going blind due to the solid white backgrounds that are the default for HTML messages it seems.
Mail.app respects dark mode and even HTML messages are kept the 
background colour (dark), which is quite useful.
Is there a way in the latest Big Sur recommended version (Version 1.14 
(5754)) to get this to work again?
Ideally, I don't want any HTML to be shown unless I specifically ask for 
that MIME part to be displayed, but, that doesn't seem to work any 
The HTML rendering is quite slow and choppy and the first time a message 
is displayed there's a bright flash -- even for non HTML messages.  That 
doesn't happen if I move to another message and move back, thankfully, 
but, it's making going through mail a bit of a stroboscopic experience.
Any tips on how to calm the solar flare of HTML's white background 

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