OMG.. I’m so tickled I’m literally giggling all over the place. That
was SO EASY!
Well sort of. Not being a programmer I misinterpreted the directions a
bit so will add this clarification for future readers of this thread.
The line that will have the from etc still needs to have conditions =
The condition you are doing - in my case from.. Etc needs to be in
I know that this is a natural for the programmers but I had to think
about it.
I’m SO HAPPY - thank you. And yes got a few more conditions I’ll
build in to manage the other emails.
Annamarie Pluhar
802-579-5975 (iPhone - not good when I'm at my desk.)
On 8 Oct 2020, at 10:07, Chaim Kram wrote:
Very nice solution, thanks!
Chaim Kram
On 7 Oct 2020, at 19:00, wrote:
Date: Wed, 07 Oct 2020 11:24:22 -0400
From: "Shoshanna Green" <>
To: "MailMate Users" <>
Subject: Re: [MlMt] Alert sending from email address?
On 7 Oct 2020, at 10:10, Annamarie Pluhar wrote:
I would love it if when I’m about to send an email from this gmail
address I get an alert that says something like “Do you really
to use this email?” With a yes or no I can click.
See "Custom Message Verifications" at -- it will do
what you want! Copy the sample there to get the format the plist file
needs to be in; then just replace the "conditions" line in the sample
(which means "the From: line contains YOUR-GMAIL-ADDRESS") and set
"title" and "details" lines to display whatever alert you want to be
alerted with.
The easiest way to figure out how to format your conditions, if
not fluent in whatever syntax plist files use, is to create a smart
folder with the conditions you want and then inspect its definition
quitting MailMate and opening the mailboxes.plist file to see how the
smart folder is defined there.
You can check for multiple conditions at a time, and have as many
independent verifications as you want. I have about a dozen, ensuring
that I don't send work email from my church-board address, don't send
board business messages from anything *but* my church-board address,
don't send personal mail to a work contact, don't fail to BCC myself
use the wrong signature (I have auto-BCC set, but if I change the
sending address after I've begun composing a message the BCC or sig
sometimes fails to change accordingly), don't reply to a mailing list
when I mean to reply to an individual poster, etc. etc. -- the
to set up such verifications was one of the factors that originally
me to MailMate!
Shoshanna Green
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