On 7 Jul 2020, at 10:46, Charlie Clark wrote:

On 7 Jul 2020, at 19:43, Jo wrote:

How many times do I have to 'mark as not junk' an email from a specific party in order for the next one to not ask me if I want to mark it as junk again?

MailMate doesn't do any classification of e-mails based on user interaction, it will be down to whichever spam filter software you have running, though generally I've found that unclassifying a single e-mail should generally suffice (ie. the model is rebuilt).


I'm using SpamSieve - it doesn't seem to be paying attention. Perhaps I haven't set it up correctly? I haven't actually set up ANYTHING with it, I just kept it in my system after switching over from PowerMail. Did I miss something? Because I have unclassified a bunch of emails from the same sender(s) with no change.


Bad command or file name. You have 2 wishes left.

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