I took some time today to try to fix this.

I opened the log window and took the account online. I saw listed what I think are message numbers. One number matched a message which I deleted. The other one didn’t find a message.

I restarted MM and took that account online. Same results:


I did a “Mailbox Search” (Edit>Find) using criteria “Flag Contains $Junk” and “Flag Contains $NotJunk”.

This search turned up 4 or 5 messages which I deleted.

I restarted MM and took that account online. Same results.

Took it offline again.

Again I did a search with those same criteria. Zero messages. I looked for “$Junk” messages. Zero.

Not sure what to do next.


On 24 Jun 2020, at 14:51, Dave C wrote:

I get this error:
- - -
MailMate encountered the following error: “Server response: “I8 BAD [CLIENTBUG] APPEND Contains both $Junk and $NotJunk flags”.”.
Mailbox: “Inbox”.
- - -
First question: What exactly is causing this error and how to fix it? “Try again” and “try later” simply result in repeated errors.

Second question: Why is this a fatal error? (I have to take the account off-line to get MM to continue). Shouldn’t this be an “informational” error and not cause the account to fail?

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