Hi, In Catalina, the root filesystem is actually read-only, and MacOS performs some interesting tricks to make that work while allowing third party SW to be installed, making it generally completely invisible to users. So perhaps you somehow copied MailMate into this read-only partition?

To see the "writeable" /Applications folder, look at /System/Volumes/Data/Applications/ in Terminal. If MailMate is not in there, then you need to move it there. If it is there, make sure there are no other copies anywhere. If it still fails, this could be a bug in the Beta version of MailMate.

Hope this helps.


On 10 Mar 2020, at 6:00, Thomas Baker wrote:

I am trying to set up MailMate on macOS Catalina 10.15.3.
When I open MailMate, I get a message:

    Software Update Disabled

    MailMate is running on a read-only file system and
    can therefore not be updated.

    If you downloaded MailMate from the internet then
    moving it out of the Downloads folder should solve
    the problem.

I installed from MailMateBeta.tbz into the /Applications
folder.  The permissions of that folder were initially:

    drwxr-xr-x 3 root wheel 96 Oct 24 15:33 MailMate.app/

I changed the permissions to my personal account:

    drwxr-xr-x 3 tbaker staff 96 Oct 24 15:33 MailMate.app/

But I still get the message.

I suppose I could just check the box for "Do not show
this message again", but I'd like to understand what
folder MailMate thinks is read-only (and whether this
could cause trouble in other ways).

Many thanks,

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