Thank you so much Bill. I did in fact send an email to Benny that got
attention. (And apologies for not responding sooner, amazing!)
It is as you say. A specific server at my hosting - and Benny sent me
the same command line to disable the quota thingy. No loss to me as I
never used it.
Amazing how disruptive it was to me not to be getting email on five
email accounts. May it not happen again!
Annamarie Pluhar
802-579-5975 (iPhone - not good when I'm at my desk.)
On 6 Mar 2020, at 17:24, Bill Cole wrote:
On 5 Mar 2020, at 6:56, Annamarie Pluhar wrote:
Sent the wrong one. Ugh…Sorry. Here is the right one.
OK, so the core error is "NO Internal quota calculation error" which
indicates a very specific rare problem with a particular IMAP server
(Dovecot, a very good open source IMAP server) and the only problem in
MailMate is that it does not expect that as a possible error at that
point. It is reasonable in my opinion to be surprised by a computer
saying that it made a calculation error...
Update: Message from hosting provider:
“We recently completed the migration of your server to our brand
new Google data center. There is a high chance that cached
information inside the mail client is causing the connectivity issue
you are experiencing.
As an attempt to resolve this you can try adjusting your mail
client's settings to directly connect to the server's hostname. This
is done by using the details below:”
I’ve tried the new setting on one account and it didn’t resolve.
I wouldn't expect that to help.
That error is weird. The only reasons I can see that it should ever
happen from the server side is if there's some gross misconfiguration
or malfunction. I suppose it's possible that MailMate could have some
detail about the server's mailbox namespace or feature support cached
that changed when your provider migrated to new infrastructure, making
the command that got the error nonsensical, but I though Benny had
worked out all the kinks in that over a year ago. Are you running the
latest release?
IF the problem is MM remembering stale info about the IMAP server,
rather than the IMAP server being broken in some manner, it may fix
the problem if you delete and recreate the account in MailMate. If the
account has a lot of extant messages or dependent smart mailboxes
(making a rebuild painful,) you might need to poke Benny more firmly
by opening an actual bug report and including MailMate's IMAP session
logs. As a temporary workaround, this command line tweak may also
work, at the expense of losing quota support for all accounts:
defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmIMAPQuotaDisabled -bool YES
Bill Cole or
(AKA @grumpybozo and many * addresses)
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