I would prefer a direct shortcut.
Will check BetterTouchTool later.

Thanks and regards


On 26 Feb 2020, at 14:53, Guillaume Barrette wrote:

> Hi,
>     Great!
> Also, if you prefer to have a direct shortcut to each of those 
> commands (I mean, having a specific shortcut that call one command 
> directly instead of popping the menu), you could add a MailMate 
> shortcut that calls the "performBundleItemWithUUID:" selector with the 
> UUID of the command that you want or edit the BusyCal bundle and 
> change the shortcut there directly or set a custom shortcut in the 
> standard macOS keyboard shortcuts preference or use an application 
> that can call a menubar item like BetterTouchTool, Keyboard Maestro...
> Best,
> --
> Guillaume
> On 26 Feb 2020, at 8:43, Federico Guzzoni PM wrote:
>> Hi Guillaume,
>> yes, that helps a lot. Thank you again!
>> Best regards
>> Federico
>> On 26 Feb 2020, at 14:20, Guillaume Barrette wrote:
>>> Hi Federico,
>>>     I don't think it's possible to add items to the context menu
>>> (which I think would be a great feature!), but to make it faster you 
>>> can
>>> use the shortcut to directly access the commands.
>>> I mean, if you select an email, you can press CTRL+SHIFT+C to pop a
>>> little menu with those 2 actions. Then, you can click on the one 
>>> that
>>> you want or use the number key that represent the one that appear on 
>>> the
>>> right side of the popup next to the command that you want.
>>> Hope this helps!
>>> Best,
>>> --
>>> Guillaume
>>> On 26 Feb 2020, at 6:00, Federico Guzzoni PM via mailmate wrote:
>>>> Hi Guillaume,
>>>> sorry to bothering you again.
>>>> Since I’m working a lot with BusyCal and BusyContacts (after
>>>> Daylite)
>>>> I’d like to optimize the workflow.
>>>> Do you know if it possible marking an eMail to add the command
>>>> „BusyCal Add Task… and Event“ to the right click mouse button
>>>> somehow?
>>>> Thanks and best regards
>>>> Federico
>>>> On 24 Feb 2020, at 16:26, Guillaume Barrette wrote:
>>>>> Hi Federico,
>>>>>    I add a look and here is a modified version of the BusyCal
>>>>> bundle. It adds the add task option.
>>>>> Link: https://d.pr/f/iggXJi
>>>>> @Benny, feel free to add the "Create Task.mmCommand" + "add-task"
>>>>> file
>>>>> to the MailMate BusyCal bundle if you want to update it.
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> --
>>>>> Guillaume
>>>>> On 24 Feb 2020, at 3:13, Federico Guzzoni PM via mailmate wrote:
>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>> to create an event in BusyCal from a MM eMail is very useful and
>>>>>> works fine.
>>>>>> More important (for me) would be to create a ToDo.
>>>>>> I guess a second or extended BusyCal Bundle is needed.
>>>>>> Can anyone help?
>>>>>> Thanks and regards
>>>>>> Federico
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